Frontend is the face of any project, that's why we give not less attention to it than to the code performance.

Though the Pancodix team uses popular frameworks, such as AngularJS, ReactJS etc., in most cases our frontends are based on the self-developed libraries of JavaScript-components, which are light and efficient.

Below are the screenshot examples of appearance of some of the original self-developed components, which are intended to visualize the results of asynchronous AJAX-requests.

Components for building user interfaces of administrative web-applications

1 - main menu button (DropDownMenu); 2 - toolbar (ToolStrip) with buttons in different states; 3 - switching button group (SwitchButtons); 4 - tabs control (TabStrip); 5 - field with button; 6 - ListView with sorting on column header click; 7 - status strip (StatusStrip) with multiple panels; 8 - scrollable navigation panel (PageNavigator); 9 - loading indicator.

User interface, adapted for tablet-PC

1 - toolbar; 2 - slideout panel; 3 - DatePicker; 4 - ListView; 5 - StatusStrip; 6 - DataGridView (with changeable column width and different cell types).

Components for website interface

1 - toolbar, visualized as a tab strip; 2 - authentication widget, connected with the cloud authentication system; 3 - dropdown dialog for displaying list-like structured information; 4 - status strip as a site footer, displaying interface messages and Ajax-loadings.